martes, 29 de abril de 2014


Neat ,clean and updated
Your name must be on it.
Everyone must hand in this educational tool until May5th.
It won't be admitted sheets in blank.

lunes, 28 de abril de 2014


Para esta semana, los estudiantes debían tener:

8vo: 32,5 horas (40% del nivel 2).

Para el próximo lunes 5 de mayo deben tener:

8vo: 35 horas (50% del nivel 2).

·         Ésta semana fue la última del segundo parcial pero las notas de este informe no son las finales. Se las enviaré hasta mañana o a más tardar el miércoles.
·         Las horas y el progreso que son para el lunes 5 de mayo ya son de la 1era semana del 3er parcial. En el 3er parcial también habrá 6 semanas.
·         Les agradezco que recuerden a los estudiantes los tiempos estimados para completar las actividades:
·         Lección principal: 15 - 30 min (máximo)
·         Gramática, escuchar, pronunciación, hablar, vocabulario, revisión, escribir, hito: 6 - 10 min (máximo)

·         Los informes con el trabajo de esta semana que pueden consultar los estudiantes ya están actualizados.
·         Décimo:  
·         1 de bachillerato:

Gracias por su colaboración.




Dear students.
For this week, you must hand in chapters #3 and #4.Remenber get ready for the reading control of "The Prisoner of Zenda" book.

martes, 22 de abril de 2014


Para esta semana, los estudiantes debían tener:

8vo: 30 horas (el nivel 1 debe estar acabado y deben completar hasta el 30% del nivel 2).

Para el próximo domingo 27 de abril deben tener:

8vo: 32,5 horas (40% del nivel 2).

Les agradezco que informen a los estudiantes que ésta es la última semana de este parcial y que para la nota final será importante que hayan acabado los niveles 3, 4 y el 10% del nivel 5 (además de los niveles 1 y 2).

Si necesitan alguna aclaración, no duden en avisarme.



martes, 8 de abril de 2014


1. The exposition of the News Report is until April 25th.
2. The exposition is personal.
3. The News Report work must have:  Name of the topic, drawing, summary, vocabulary, personal                 opinion  and bibliography.
4. For the exposition,you can reach me in my class.


1. This is a group activitity(three or four students).                                                                                         2. Every student must have his own hand-written project in the copybook.
3.You have to present the project until April 23rd.
4. The Final Product is in stand by, it means that you  don't have to do it yet.

               The Legacy of the Society of Jesus                                       (group activity)

Activity 2 –(handwritten-copybook)

Objective: Get to know four of the most important work undertaken by the Society of Jesus in Quito and analyze how that work has contributed to our society until nowadays.

Now it is 1862, the Jesuits are called to come back to Ecuador by President Gabriel García Moreno. On March 28, the first Jesuits arrive in Guayaquil and they are assigned to undertake an important mission: the development of education in the country.
Each group will be assigned an important work undertaken by the Jesuits who arrived in Quito in the XVI and XIX centuries: The Church of the Society of Jesus, the Escuela Politécnica Nacional, the Colegio San Gabriel, the Observatorio Astronómico.

1.       Essay and exposition:
a.       You will have to visit the place that you have been assigned and become an expert on it. After gathering all the information write an essay and prepare an exposition to share the most important information with you classmates.
b.      When you visit the site ask for information about it to help you answer the following general questions:
·         What is it?
·         When was it founded?
·         Who was/were its founders?
·         Important facts about the site.
·         Curious facts or anecdotes about the site.

c.       Before visiting the site, think of 5 questions that you think will be relevant to ask in the place you will visit.
With all the information that you collect you will have to write an essay that you will organize as follows:
                                                  i.      Introduction: (50 words – 2 points)
Give general information to introduce the place that you visited:
·         What is it?
·         Where is it located?
·         When was it founded?
·         Who founded it?
                                                ii.      Body: (50 words – 5 points)
You should include the following information:
·         Important facts about the site you visited (including the answers to your questions and the extra information you are given).
·         Curious facts or anecdotes about the site.
                                              iii.      Conclusion: (30 words – 2 points)
You should answer the following questions:
·         Why was this place important in the time when it was founded and why is it important nowadays?
·         How has this place contributed to the Ecuadorian society?
                                               iv.      Bibliography ( 1 point)

Due dates:
Essay: April 23rd, 2014
Expositions: from April 23 to April 25
                                    FINAL PRODUCT
This activity is in stand by.(don't do this yet)

2.       Log -book
The log-book will be your final product. It should contain all the evidence and descriptions of your visit. In the log-book you should keep:
a.       Notes and descriptions of your visit.
b.      Evidence of your visit or visits (date/s, name/s, signature and/or stamp of the place/person/s who gave you the information).
c.       Poster, leaflets and/or brochures with information (if you are given any).
d.      Pictures (with descriptions) of your visit showing the place in the outside and in the inside; any material (books, pictures, etc) that was shown to you.
e.      Short summaries of the information included in your essay (after the essay is corrected).
f.        Other information that you are given at the site.
Due date: May 7, 2014

3.       Assessment:
·         Essay + reading comprehension: 10 points
·         Exposition: 10 points

·         Log-book: 10 points


Para el próximo domingo 13 de abril deben tener:

8vo: 27,5 horas (el nivel 1 debe estar acabado y deben completar hasta el 20% del nivel 2).
Las notas se han calculado teniendo en cuenta el progreso y por eso en general los promedios son bajos.
Aunque ya les he informado por correo, por favor avisen a los estudiantes que durante las semanas de Fiestas patronales y Semana Santa tendrán que seguir trabajando normalmente.



viernes, 4 de abril de 2014


8vo: 25 horas (el nivel 1 debe estar acabado y deben completar hasta el 10% del nivel 2).

 Durante la semana de fiestas y vacaciones de Semana Santa, los chicos sí tendrán que trabajar con el programa. De hecho, deberían aprovechar estas fiestas para igualarse en el progreso.

Si necesitan cualquier aclaración, no duden en avisarme.


miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014


                               These are the pictures of the Mexican group
Dear students:
I am really proud of you for your nice performance in the English Open House. Keep working as hard as you did this time.
Thank you.